[Top 5] Wargame Red Dragon Best Decks (2024)

Decks alone don't win wars...

With thousands of units to choose from, building a deck in Wargame: Red Dragon can be one of the most daunting tasks a player can endure. There are a crazy number of nuances that get buried under the ocean of stats and overwhelming choice. Here we've listed our top five best decks to most effectively play the field without worrying too much about deck building.

5. Israel General

Israel General Deck Gameplay

I'm hesitant to add Israel because, like many other players, it seems as though Israel can really upset the "delicate" balance of Wargame: Red Dragon's units – especially considering it's a paid DLC. That being said, they also get access to some of the most broken units in the entire game. As unique as they are over-powered, some of Israel's units can single-handedly turn the tides of 1v1 or 2v2 matches. Don't be surprised if people flame you for using a "cheese" deck/nation. You have been warned.

What's awesome about Israel General Decks

  • You can bring infantry in the Merkava IIA - an "IFV" that is highly armored, carries a grenade launcher, a 105mm cannon, and is technically not a tank. Technically.
  • Doban-LRs use the Spike MR, which is the fastest traveling ATGM in the game, giving vehicles little time to hide, unlike most long-range anti-tank solutions.
  • Maglans, thanks to the Spike, are among the deadliest special forces units thanks to their Gilion assault rifles and Negev LMG. Despite being a five-man squad, Maglans can easily be stacked and used as a fatal flanking force against anything except aircraft.
  • Israel's emphasis on quality-armor is evident. Some of their tanks can easily match up or even outclass the best of Redfor tanks. They are extremely expensive and are irresistible targets but come equipped with some of the best protection and weaponry. The Merkava line is especially powerful and combines high-mobility, decent armor, and high damage potential.

Israel General Deck details

4. Eastern Bloc Motorized

Eastern Bloc Motorized Deck Gameplay

What motorized decks lack in armor they more than make up for in speed. These decks tend to work best on low-point tactical games where there are very few, but very high-quality units in play. These decks are not meant for slugging it out. They are only useful as a hit-and-run guerilla force that is not recommended for new players.

What's awesome about Eastern Bloc Motorized Decks

  • Incredible Recon and Special Forces units that border on being completely OP like the Formoza who carry deadly grenade launchers that outclass even the Spetsnaz or Li-Jian napalm launchers.
  • Eastern Bloc nations have incredible line-infantry like East Germany's Wachregiment that boasts a 15-man, shock-trained squad with the deadly Skorpion SMG and a decent SAW.
  • Great supporting options for multiplayer matches, use your invaluable recon to call out targets and use your SF infantry to flank static positions.
  • Your units will have faster, lighter transport options due to being a motorized force – use them to rush forward positions and then move on when heavier reinforcements arrive.

Eastern Bloc Motorized Deck details

3. Commonwealth General

Commonwealth General Deck Gameplay

Commonwealth decks are probably the most adaptable of the Blufor coalitions as they retain most of the versatility of Blufor decks while also still fielding deadly armor, infantry, and unique prototype units. The main aim is to keep your units alive as they are not as disposable as RedFor ones, especially the line-infantry. These decks also tend to lack decent helicopter support, and AA is slow to reach the frontline.

What's awesome about Commonwealth General Decks

  • They field some of the best, most cost-effective line-infantry in-game such as the Fusiliers '90 who carry the deadly the LAW 80 for tanks, and an L86 LMG that can be fired on the move and within contested buildings. You could also field Diggers '90 for infantry-heavy areas while the Fusiliers target vehicles.
  • Shock and Commando infantry is also a huge focus as Commonwealth gets access to SAS and Gurkhas – perfect infantry for either punching through enemy lines or sneaky search-and-destroy missions.
  • Challenger 2 tanks can deal with most armor, Stormers, and Challengers/Centurions can take on most threats even if they aren't airborne.
  • Unique vehicles like the Vickers MK.11 can make excellent harassing units and excel at ambushes

Commonwealth General Deck details

2. USSR Mechanized

USSR Mechanized Deck Gameplay

If you ever find yourself going into a meat grinder, then chances are you're going to burn through a lot of infantry. Thankfully, these decks are full of quality troops and fire-support vehicles that easily tear through forests and towns. Beware, this is a slow-moving force – most reinforcements are going to take a long-time reaching the front, and armor-heavy decks will destroy you in the open. These decks are effective in high-point game modes due to the relatively costly units.

What's awesome about USSR Mechanized

  • Tons Motostrelki '90, who, while not precisely the best line-infantry, carry the devastating RPG-7VR, which can two-shot even the most stalwart super-heavy tanks. You can also field Spetsnaz to dig-out infantry with their deadly napalm launcher while the Motostrelki draw fire.
  • Deadly IFVs such as the BMP-3 that can BMPT – both of which obliterate infantry and some lightly-armored threats. The former can reliably harass heavy armor with it's ATGM. At the same time, the latter is very survivable and will be incredibly hard to destroy to its uniquely high front armor for an IFV.
  • A robust suite of support options to protect your frontline – Tunguskas stun aircraft almost instantly while BUKs and TORs give you decent ways to expand your AA net.

USSR Mechanized Deck details

1. Redfor General

Redfor General Deck Gameplay

Probably the most adaptable platform in the entire game, an unspecialized Redfor deck gives you a solid counter to basically anything NATO could throw at you. However, what you get in versatility you pay for in unit availability and a lack of prototype units. Play smart; this deck, inspired by the great Razz, is built for adaptability, which means some units will only be mediocre against a more specialized force.

What's awesome about Redfor General Decks

  • A jack-of-all-trades deck that is incredibly flexible and straight-forward. Not every unit the hardest-hitting, but each one fills its role decently.
  • Full of cherry-picked units from each nation, but this is mitigated by the lack of the highest-end options.
  • Apart from the broad spectrum of units, this deck is optimized for high cost-efficiency to get the most out of your income.
  • When (not if) a teammate quits, you can usually help fill the gap no matter what situation all though it would u be best to communicate with teammates in case someone has a more appropriate niche.

Redfor General Deck details

Wargame: Red Dragon is more about positioning and maneuvering rather than brute force. So while these deck might be among the most effective, they are far from foolproof. Always remember: a deck is only as strong as the player.

Also Be Sure To Read:

  • [Top 7] Wargame Red Dragon Best Artillery

  • [Top 5] Wargame Red Dragon Best Decks

  • [Top 10] Wargame Red Dragon Best Tanks
  • [Top 15] Wargame Red Dragon Best Units
  • [Top 10] Wargame Red Dragon Best Infantry
[Top 5] Wargame Red Dragon Best Decks (2024)


What is the best NATO infantry in Wargame Red Dragon? ›

fallschrimager '90 are hands down the best nato infantry. navy seals are very good at killing special forces. SAS are an all-time favorite man they kill everything airplanes inf, tanks they are expensive but just so versatile.

What is the best manpad in wargame red dragon? ›

The Stinger is certainly one of the best MANPADs available in the game with high accuracy and high HE power, it's NATO counterparts in the British LAAD Javelin and the Swedish RBS 70 and RBS 90 while comparable in terms of accuracy and HE power, lack the Stinger's Fire & Forget (F&F) trait, forcing the target to remain ...

Is wargame Red Dragon hard to learn? ›

I as someone who has played a hell of a lot of games, would say that this game is definitely not the most difficult one I have played, it is not an easy game on a scale of 1-10, since it involves a lot of units and quite some strategical thinking. I say, go for it! But only if you are a person that doesn't give up.

What is the best ship in wargame Red Dragon? ›

The Udaloy II is by far considered to be the best ship in the game surpassing the other 500 pointer, the sovremenny, and its BLUFOR equivalent, the Kongo.

What is the main battle tank of NATO? ›

In the ongoing tank war in Ukraine, Russia's T-72 has garnered attention, but NATO boasts impressive Main Battle Tanks (MBTs). The British Challenger-2, French Leclerc, American M1 Abrams, and German Leopard 2 exemplify NATO's advanced armor capabilities.

How do you win the campaign in Wargame: Red Dragon? ›

Take out the recon first then position your armor and atgm units in good ambush points. Always resupply them. A well oiled supply route is the key to victory. Also have AA in AI blind spots so they will evac as soon you shoot at them.

What is cv in Wargame: Red Dragon? ›

you must put a CV. it's stands for Command Vehicle, you put your CV in the area what it is white. Their is a reason why you have commando vehicles.

Are Red dragons worth unlocking? ›

They can be killed as part of a red dragon Slayer task. They possess the same melee and ranged defences as the weaker brutal blue variant, yet more Hitpoints and a more lucrative drop table. This could make red dragons a Slayer task worth unlocking.

How accurate is wargame? ›

Recreational wargames only need to be as realistic as it pleases the players, so in most recreational wargames the emphasis is on verisimilitude, i.e. the satisfactory appearance of realism. In any case, no wargame can be perfectly realistic.

What is the longest day wargame? ›

The Longest Day is an Operational level Monster board-wargame depicting the assault, buildup, and breakout of the World War II Normandy Invasion. The game includes 2603 counters representing Battalion sized units and command units up to Corp level of the Allied and German armies in Northern France.

Does Wargame: Red Dragon have a sandbox mode? ›

Sandbox Mod Installer

A Python 3 program to automatically update, configure, patch, and install the Sandbox Mod for the game Wargame: Red Dragon.

How many campaigns are in Wargame: Red Dragon? ›

There are a total of five playable campaigns in Wargame: Red Dragon of varying difficulties: Busan Pocket. Bear vs. Dragon.

How do you deploy more units in Wargame: Red Dragon? ›

You start the game with an amount of points to deploy your units. These points are based on the mission or the game setting. Note that unused deployment points are still available after the start of the game. You'll need to control Command Zones with a command unit in order to get additional Deployment Points.

What is the strongest infantry in Warhammer fantasy? ›

Eradicators. One of the strongest units in Warhammer 40k is the Eradicators with their MeltaRifles. They are a tank cracking force, and for a good price, too: only 45 points per model.

Does wargame red dragon have infantry? ›

Infantry appear in all three Wargame titles as a unit class. Wargame: Red Dragon introduced the new "infantry era" system wherein some infantry units receive updated weaponry based on the time period of the deck.

How fast are the Red Dragon infantry in wargame? ›

With one or two exceptions, light infantry moves 5 kmh faster than their training would imply – regular for example is 20kmh, but light regular is 25kmh. They tend to carry unique ATGM-style weapons despite being fighting infantry, but this too isn't always the case.


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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