The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (2024)

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When you are facing a tough time financially, you need to know where your money is going each month. That's why it's important to understand the best types of personal budget you can pick. Starting a budget is never easy for anyone, but some budget types are more straightforward than others.

With so many different types, it can be tricky to choose the right budget according to your needs. After all, choosing a budget focused on savings, or one that focuses more on your expenses, will make a significant difference in your finances.

So let me share with you the different types of personal budgets, explaining which one you should choose and why. I will also share all the advantages and disadvantages of each budget method.

What Is A Personal Budget?

A personal budget, also called a household budget, is a plan of what you will do with your salary or any other income you receive and keep track of your expenses and financial goals. Personal budgets can help individuals or families spend less and save more to achieve some of their monetary objectives.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (1)

Most people choose a personal budget because they keep overspending their money on things they really don't need and want to pursue financial stability. But, of course, you need to avoid some of the most common budgeting mistakes like guessing expenses, unrealistic expectations, or choosing the wrong method.

What Types Of Personal Budget Can You Try?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (2)

When you start budgeting, you will get access to many different types of budgeting, and it will be challenging to choose the right one at the beginning. So here are some of the best types of personal budget you can try:

  • 50/30/20 Rule Budget
  • 60/30/10 Rule Budget
  • Envelope Budget Method
  • 70/20/10 Rule Budget
  • Zero-Based Budgeting
  • 50/40/10 Rule Budget
  • Reverse Budget
  • 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget
  • Extreme Budgeting
  • 60/40 Rule Budget
  • 80/20 Rule Budget

50/30/20 Rule Budget

The 50/30/20 rule budget is perhaps the most known personal budget method in the world, which Senator Elizabeth Warren popularized in her book,All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan.

How To Budget Your Money With The 50/30/20 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (3)

Like any budget method,the 50/30/20 is based on percentages and focuses on three different categories:

  • Needs– You will spend 50% of your money on expenses you can't avoid or would be difficult to live without, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, etc.
  • Wants– You will spend 30% of your budget to pay for things you want that are considered non-essential expenses, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.
  • Savings– You will save 20% of your salary for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, investing money, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.

Who Should Use The 50/30/20 Rule Budget?

The 50/30/20 rule budget is perfect if you have a good salary and can allocate a significant percentage of your earnings to the wants and savings categories.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (4)

The 50/30/20 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Have a decent income
  • Never budgeted before
  • Want a simple budget method
  • Are not very good keep tracking your expenses
  • Want to save money but also have fun

Advantages Of 50/30/20 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 50/30/20 rule budget are:

  • Using a simple method
  • You know exactly where your money goes each month
  • You save enough money and have more than enough for fun stuff
  • It makes you reduce fixed and essential costs

Disadvantages Of 50/30/20 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of trying the 50/30/20 rule budget are:

  • Some people need more than 50% to cover all their needs
  • It allocates too much money for fun stuff when you could be saving more
  • It can be difficult for parents with low income

60/30/10 Rule Budget

The 60/30/10 rule budget is a method that heavily prioritizes savings and doesn't leave a lot for needs or wants. It requires a lot of effort and expense cuts to make it work.

How To Budget Your Money With The 60/30/10 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (5)

The 60/30/10 is based on percentages and focuses on three different categories:

  • Savings– You will save 60% of your money for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, investing money, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.
  • Needs– You will spend 30% of your budget on expenses you can't avoid or would be difficult to live without, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, etc.
  • Wants– You will spend 10% of your salary to pay for things you want that are considered non-essential expenses, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.

Who Should Use The 60/30/10 Rule Budget?

The 60/30/10 rule budget is not the most practical for many people, especially if you live paycheck-to-paycheck. If you can give up most of your earnings to save or invest it, however, it may be one of the best types of a personal budget.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (6)

The 60/30/10 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Have major financial goals like buying a house and paying a large debt.
  • Want to create a big emergency fund
  • Want to save most of your salary to invest
  • Desire to achieve FIRE – Financial Independence Retire Early.
  • Don’t live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Advantages Of 60/30/10 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 60/30/10 rule budget are:

  • You can reach your financial goals faster
  • You only spend money on what is strictly necessary
  • You will feel motivated to boost your income in different ways
  • Makes you financially disciplined

Disadvantages Of 60/30/10 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 60/30/10 rule budget are:

  • Not easy for beginners
  • Not suitable for those who live paycheck to paycheck
  • You will need to make considerable adjustments to your lifestyle to save 60% of your income

Envelope Budget Method

The envelope budget method is an old-school but effective way of budgeting your money, prioritizing cash payments for some expenses. You should also check the digital envelope system.

How To Budget Your Money With The Envelope Budget Method?

The envelope budget method is not based on percentages; you must choose cash envelope categories instead. You can also use this method digitally if you prefer.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (7)

The envelope method focuses on three steps(after you have subtracted your fixed expenses and debit direct payments from your income):

  • Create CategoriesYou will choose 5 to 9 cash envelope categories to cover most costs like transportation, groceries, dates, entertainment, personal items, shopping, medical, gifts, and miscellaneous.
  • Set Limits –You will set the amount of money you want to spend on each category.
  • Fill The Envelopes –You will put the correct amount of cash in each envelope category. When the envelope is empty, you can't spend any more money on that category or borrow from another envelope till the end of that budgeting cycle.

Who Should Use The Envelope Budget Method?

The envelope budget method is an excellent choice to control your expenses, especially if you overspend in some categories.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (8)

The envelope budget method is great for you if you:

  • Want to stick with your budget limits for each category
  • Like paying your variable expenses in cash
  • Cut unnecessary expenses
  • Want a simple method that doesn’t depend on apps, math, or online banking

Advantages Of The Envelope Budget Method

The advantages of using the envelope budget method are:

  • It stops you from overspending on things you don't need
  • It helps you to save money and achieve your financial goals
  • You avoid any overdraft charges

Disadvantages Of The Envelope Budget Method

The disadvantages of using the envelope budget method are:

  • Carrying cash envelopes with you can make you feel unsafe and uncomfortable
  • Paying in cash is not always easier
  • It can be difficult when multiple people spend money from the envelopes

70/20/10 Rule Budget

The 70/20/10 rule budget is one of the best budgeting methods if you are looking for a way to differentiate your savings from investments and want to have all your expenses in one category, not differentiating needs from wants.

How To Budget Your Money With The 70/20/10 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (9)

The 70/20/10 is based on percentages and focuses on three different categories:

  • Expenses– You will spend 70% of your money on expenses not differentiating your needs from wants, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.
  • Savings– You will save 20% of your salary for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.
  • Investments– You will invest 10% of your earnings in stock investments, real estate investments, mutual funds, cryptocurrency, donations, etc.

Who Should Use The 70/20/10 Rule Budget?

The 70/20/10 rule budget is an excellent method for people who don't like to differentiate their expenses and want to split their savings and investments into two categories to ensure they do both.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (10)

The 70/20/10 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Have a lot of expenses
  • Live paycheck-to-paycheck
  • Never budgeted before
  • Want a simple budget method
  • Wants to save money but also invest some

Advantages Of 70/20/10 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 70/20/10 rule budget are:

  • It's one of the most simple budget methods
  • Less restrictive than other budgets
  • It splits savings from investments

Disadvantages Of 70/20/10 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 70/20/10 rule budget are:

  • It doesn't detail your expenses like other budgets
  • Some people don't know how to invest their money

Zero-Based Budgeting

The zero-based budgeting method encourages you to use every dollar and penny of your monthly income for expenses, savings, investments, repaying debt, etc. I love combining zero-based budgeting with a percentage budgeting method since they work together perfectly.

How To Budget Your Money With The Zero-Based Budgeting?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (11)

The zero-based budgeting method is not based on percentages and focuses on allocating every dollar to something specific or a personal budget category:

  • Calculate Income –You calculate your income after tax and add any earnings for that month.
  • Minus Expenses –Subtract every expense you will have (the fixed and variable ones). Even if you are unsure how much you will spend on groceries, you still need to allocate a certain amount of money.
  • Check How Much Money You Have Left– After you have deducted all your expenses, keep adding money to your financial goals or other costs until you reach zero and have allocated all your money.

Who Should Use The Zero-Based Budgeting?

The zero-based budgeting is excellent for achieving your financial goals, especially the short ones or if you have different monetary needs each month or quarter.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (12)

The zero-based rule budget is excellent if you:

  • Have short-term financial goals.
  • Have Different monetary needs each upcoming period.
  • Want to allocate every single dollar and penny.
  • Don’t like restricted category budgeting.
  • Are new to budgeting.

Advantages Of Zero-Based Budgeting

The advantages of using the zero-based budgeting method are:

  • It gives a purpose to every dollar and cent you have
  • It's simple and efficient
  • You can use another budgeting percentage method combined

Disadvantages Of Zero-Based Budgeting

The disadvantages of using the zero-based budgeting method are:

  • No categories to follow can make it hard to control your costs
  • It can make budgeters too focus on mining expenses and forget about financial goals

50/40/10 Rule Budget

The 50/40/10 rule method is one of the best types of personal budget if you want to save a considerable part of your salary towards your savings and financial goals.

How To Budget Your Money With The 50/40/10 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (13)

The 50/40/10 is based on percentages and focuses on three different categories:

  • Needs– You will spend 50% of your money on expenses you can't avoid or would be difficult to live without, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, etc.
  • Savings– You will save 40% of your salary for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, investing money, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.
  • Wants– You will spend 10% of your budget to pay for things you want that are considered non-essential expenses, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.

Who Should Use The 50/40/10 Rule Budget?

As I said before, the 50-40-10 rule budget is an excellent method to save a considerable part of your salary and apply it to your financial goals. However, it may not be the easiest budgeting method if you live paycheck-to-paycheck since most people can't save 40% of their income.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (14)

The 50/40/10 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Have financial goals that need considerable money to be achievable, like paying debt or purchasing a house.
  • Want to keep most of your salary to invest in something else.
  • Desire to build an emergency fund to guarantee you can live months without income.
  • Wish to achieve FIRE – Financial Independence Retire Early.
  • Don't live paycheck-to-paycheck and can pay for basic needs with half of your salary.

Advantages Of 50/40/10 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 50/40/10 rule budget are:

  • You can achieve your financial goals faster
  • You will feel motivated to increase your income in other ways
  • It makes you financially disciplined

Disadvantages Of 50/40/10 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 50/40/10 rule budget are:

  • Not easy for newbies
  • Not appropriate for those who live paycheck to paycheck
  • You will need to make significant adjustments to your lifestyle to save 40% of your income

Reverse Budget

The reverse budgeting method focuses on saving money first and then spending the remaining to pay your expenses. (After all, you can't spend money you don't have!)

How To Budget Your Money With The Reverse Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (15)

Reverse budgeting is not based on percentages and focuses on three steps:

  • Pay Your Goals –When you receive your salary, you allocate money to your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, investing money, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.
  • Pay Your Needs –Then you will pay all your essential bills and expenses you can't live without or it would be problematic, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, etc.
  • Spend The Rest –With the money you have left, you will spend it on things you want that are considered non-essential expenses but that you have fun doing, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.

Who Should Use The Reverse Budget?

The reserve budgeting method is perfect for anyone who wants to prioritize savings and usually has difficulty accomplishing it, no matter what they try.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (16)

Reverse budgeting is excellent for you if you:

  • Want to prioritize your financial goals.
  • Have problem-saving money.
  • Never reach your financial goals.
  • Prefer to embrace a minimalist budget style.
  • Want to be on top of how you spend your money.

Advantages Of Reverse Budget

The advantages of using the reverse budget are:

  • You are assured of achieving your financial goals
  • You are less likely to make impulse purchases
  • It's easy to set up with automation tools

Disadvantages Of Reverse Budget

The disadvantages of using the reverse budget are:

  • It requires a change of lifestyle and a lot of discipline
  • It may be difficult to implement if you live paycheck-to-paycheck

30/30/30/10 Rule Budget

The 30/30/30/10 rule budget is a budgeting method that splits your housing costs from your needs and prioritizes saving money towards your financial goals.

How To Budget Your Money With The 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (17)

The 30/30/30/10 is based on percentages and focuses on four different categories:

  • Housing– You will spend 30% on house expenses like rent, mortgage, property taxes, maintenance costs, etc.
  • Needs– You will spend 30% on basic necessities like monthly essential bills, groceries, insurance, loans, transportation, medications, household products, etc.
  • Goals– You will apply 30% of your salary for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, investing money, buying a house, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.
  • Wants– You will spend 10% of your budget to pay for things you want that are considered non-essential expenses, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.

Who Should Use The 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget?

The 30/30/30/10 budgeting method is ideal if you want to regain control over your finances and save a significant amount to invest in your financial goals.

The 30/30/30/10 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Want to prioritize your financial goals
  • Have financial goals that need considerable money to be achievable, like paying debt or purchasing a house
  • Want a budget where you split your housing expenses from the needs category
  • Wish to create an emergency fund to ensure you can live months without income
  • Cut unnecessary expenses

Advantages Of 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 30/30/30/10 rule budget are:

  • You will achieve your financial goals faster
  • It differentiates your housing and needs expenses from each other

Disadvantages Of 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 30/30/30/10 rule budget are:

  • It's difficult to implement if you live paycheck-to-paycheck
  • Not ideal if you spend more than 30% with your housing expenses

Extreme Budgeting

Extreme budgeting is an intense method that helps you take control of your finances, eliminating everything that is not essential for you to live. Compared with other types of personal budgets, extreme budgeting should only be used for a short time.

How To Budget Your Money With The Extreme Budgeting?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (18)

The extreme budgeting method is not based on percentages and focuses on two steps:

  • List Your Expenses –You will list every single expense you have. List all the fixed and variable costs and any item you have spent money on in the last three months.
  • Eliminate What Is Not Essential –Then you will cut any expense that is not essential or necessary for you to survive, like entertainment subscriptions, eating out, going to the cinema, buying clothes, holidays, etc. You keep your needs and cut your wants.

Who Should Use The Extreme Budgeting?

Extreme budgeting is an excellent way of saving money by eliminating unnecessary expenses to reach a specific goal in a short time, which is usually achievable in one or two months.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (19)

The extreme budgeting method is excellent for you if you:

  • Want to eliminate all the unnecessary expenses for one month
  • Desire to reach a specific financial goal in a short time
  • Want to take control over your economic life

Advantages Of Extreme Budgeting

The advantages of using the extreme budgeting method are:

  • Great to achieve short financial goals faster
  • Ideal if you want to cut any unnecessary expenses
  • You take control of your financial life

Disadvantages Of Extreme Budgeting

The disadvantages of using the extreme budgeting method are:

  • Very difficult to stick with it
  • Not ideal for new budgeters

60/40 Rule Budget

The 60/40 rule budget looks pretty simplistic, with 60% of your money going to your needs and the other 40% to the other category. However, this budget is particular about what you need to do with that 40% of your money. It's a budget that focuses on short and long-term goals.

How To Budget Your Money With The 60/40 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (20)

The 60/40 is based on percentages and focuses on five different categories:

  • Needs –You will spend the rest 60% on expenses you can't avoid or would be difficult to live without, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, etc.
  • Retirement Savings –you will build up your retirement savings every month, like 401(k), traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, simple IRA and simple 401(k), and solo 401(k).
  • Long-Term Savings –If you have a long-term goal like buying a house, an expensive car, paying off a mortgage, starting a business, college savings for kids, paying a considerable amount of debt, purchasing an expensive car, or something that can take a few years to achieve financially.
  • Short-Term Savings –Saving for holidays, creating an emergency fund, paying small debts, saving for a wedding, home improvements, buying something expensive, or anything that will take less than one year to commit.
  • Wants –You will spend 10% of your budget to pay for things you want that are considered non-essential expenses, like holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.

Who Should Use The 60/40 Rule Budget?

The 60/40 rule budget is a great budgeting method for anyone who wants to split their financial goals into different categories like long- and short-term goals and build an exceptional retirement fund.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (21)

The 60/40 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Have distinct types of financial goals
  • Like splitting your money into different categories
  • Want to save money
  • Desire to achieve FIRE – Financial Independence Retire Early
  • Don’t live paycheck-to-paycheck

Advantages Of 60/40 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 60/40 rule budget are:

  • Great to focus on different financial goals
  • You will try to cut unnecessary expenses to ensure you can save the 30%

Disadvantages Of 60/40 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 60/40 rule budget are:

  • Complicated for those who don't have several financial goals
  • It can be tricky to implement for new budgeters

80/20 Rule Budget

The 80/20 rule budget is one of the simplest, if not the easiest, types of personal budget methods you can implement to control your financial life better.

How To Budget Your Money With The 80/20 Rule Budget?

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (22)

The 80/20 is based on percentages and focuses on two different categories:

  • Expenses– You will spend 80% of your money on expenses not differentiating your needs from wants, like rent/mortgage, utility bills, groceries, insurance, transportation, loans, household products, medications, holidays, shopping, dates, dining out, entertainment subscriptions, memberships, hobbies, etc.
  • Savings– You will save 20% of your salary for your financial goals, like building your savings, paying off debt, buying a house, investing, creating an emergency fund, starting a business, etc.

Who Should Use The 80/20 Rule Budget?

If you just started budgeting or you have a very busy life, the 80/20 rule budget is probably a great way to start controlling your finances since it doesn't have many categories and is pretty straightforward.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (23)

The 80/20 rule budget is excellent for you if you:

  • Want a flexible and straightforward budget method
  • Start budgeting for the first time
  • Don’t have a lot of time

Advantages Of 80/20 Rule Budget

The advantages of using the 80/20 rule budget are:

  • Very easy to implement
  • Less restrictive than other budgets
  • Doesn't require meticulously tracking expenses

Disadvantages Of 80/20 Rule Budget

The disadvantages of using the 80/20 rule budget are:

  • You may overspend money since you don't differentiate your needs from your wants
  • Lack of structure

How To Choose The Right Budget System For You?

Budgeting is all about being intelligent and intentional with spending your money and planning ahead to ensure you reach your financial goals and expectations. So choosing the best budgeting type is essential for your success.

You need to answer a few questions to ensure you choose the perfect budgeting method. Then based on your answers, you can check what personal budget type is the best for your needs. Here are the questions:

  • Why do you want a budget?To save money, pay a debt, go on holidays, or any other reason?
  • What is your current financial situation?With huge debt, overspending every month, a stable situation, or a saving account with money?
  • What are your financial goals?Some budget methods are more direct to save money, and others to spend less.
  • How long will it take you to accomplish your financial goals?Some budget types let you reach financial goals more quickly.
  • How much effort will you devote to your budget?Some budgets are less time-consuming than others.

Why Should You Try Different Types Of Personal Budgeting Methods?

Some people try something once in their life, and if it works, they stick with it, but if it doesn't, they give up straight away. Think about ice creams. Some individuals always choose the same ice cream flavor, others keep trying different ones till they find the one they like the most, and you even have some that are changing ice cream flavors from time to time. It's the same with budgeting.

When you start budgeting your money, you may have to try different personal budgeting types until you find the one that will work the best for you. Every budgeter has a different financial situation, so what works for one may not work for your financial needs and goals.

For example, if you pick the 60/30/10 rule budget but can't afford to save 60% of your salary because you live paycheck-to-paycheck every month, you will surely fail with this personal budget type. So it's essential to choose the best one possible according to your financial situation and if it doesn't work, try another one.


Whatever type of personal budget you decide to try and implement, it's essential to save money, stop overspending, and cut unnecessary expenses to improve your financial situation.

Always remember that when it comes to your money, you should always have a plan and the proper budgeting method to help you achieve your financial goals. What are you waiting to try one and stop being broke?

I'm an expert in personal finance with a deep understanding of various budgeting methods and strategies. My expertise is backed by years of experience in financial planning, assisting individuals and families in managing their money effectively. I have successfully guided people through tough financial situations, helping them achieve their goals and build a stable financial future.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the article:

Personal Budget Overview:

A personal budget, also known as a household budget, is a financial plan that outlines how an individual or family will allocate their income, track expenses, and achieve financial goals.

Types of Personal Budgets:

  1. 50/30/20 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Allocates 50% to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings.
    • Applicability: Suitable for those with a good income and a desire for simplicity.
    • Advantages: Simple method, clear expense tracking, effective for saving.
  2. 60/30/10 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Prioritizes savings with 60%, followed by needs at 30%, and wants at 10%.
    • Applicability: Ideal for those with significant financial goals and who can save a substantial portion of income.
    • Advantages: Accelerates achieving financial goals, encourages financial discipline.
  3. Envelope Budget Method:

    • Concept: Involves using physical or digital envelopes for various spending categories with set limits.
    • Applicability: Effective for controlling expenses, especially for those prone to overspending.
    • Advantages: Prevents overspending, straightforward, doesn't rely on digital tools.
  4. 70/20/10 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Divides income into 70% for expenses, 20% for savings, and 10% for investments.
    • Applicability: Suitable for those who prefer simplicity and want to combine savings and investments.
    • Advantages: Simple budgeting, splits savings and investments.
  5. Zero-Based Budgeting:

    • Concept: Requires allocating every dollar to specific expenses, savings, or investments.
    • Applicability: Ideal for those with varying monthly needs and short-term financial goals.
    • Advantages: Gives purpose to every dollar, efficient, works well with percentage budgeting.
  6. 50/40/10 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Dedicates 50% to needs, 40% to savings, and 10% to wants.
    • Applicability: Suitable for those with substantial financial goals.
    • Advantages: Faster achievement of financial goals, encourages disciplined saving.
  7. Reverse Budget:

    • Concept: Prioritizes saving first and then spending the remaining on needs and wants.
    • Applicability: Effective for those struggling to save.
    • Advantages: Assures meeting financial goals, reduces impulse spending.
  8. 30/30/30/10 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Allocates 30% each to housing, needs, and goals, and 10% to wants.
    • Applicability: Ideal for those who want to differentiate housing expenses from other needs.
    • Advantages: Faster achievement of financial goals, distinguishes housing expenses.
  9. Extreme Budgeting:

    • Concept: Involves cutting all non-essential expenses for a short period.
    • Applicability: Suitable for achieving specific short-term financial goals.
    • Advantages: Rapid achievement of financial goals.
  10. 60/40 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Allocates 60% to needs and divides the remaining 40% into retirement savings, long-term savings, short-term savings, and wants.
    • Applicability: Suitable for those with diverse financial goals.
    • Advantages: Focus on different financial goals, exceptional retirement fund.
  11. 80/20 Rule Budget:

    • Concept: Assigns 80% to expenses and 20% to savings.
    • Applicability: Simple and suitable for beginners or those with busy lifestyles.
    • Advantages: Easy to implement, less restrictive.

Choosing the Right Budget System:

Choosing the right budget system involves considering factors such as the reason for budgeting, current financial situation, financial goals, time commitment, and willingness to adhere to the budget. Trying different methods is essential to find the one that aligns best with individual needs and circ*mstances.

The 11 Types Of Personal Budget You Need To Know And Try | Wealth of Geeks (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.