Alicia Signes Estrela Member
August 18
I upgraded my 2.01.12 ver fanalab to 2.01.21 and it works fine. then I tried to upgrade to 2.01.45 again and my wheel led stopped works again. going back to 2.01.21 solved the problem.
Ralf Bell Member
August 20
Hi Maurice,
just a quick question regarding the profiles for iracing for the DD2. You mention 15Nm for the "Wheel force" but the DD2 has 25Nm. What is the reason for the 15Nm? THX in advance for your feedback
BTW, THX for your great service to us!
Maurice Böschen Member
August 20
Reason is because I use FFB strength of 60% which equals 15 Nm ;)
Ralf Bell Member
August 21
Thanks for your feedback and yes, your answer makes sense :)
I managed to get it right yesterday, the reason was also that my steering wheel oscillated like hell with the Dallara, but I finally solved that with the dynamic damping. However, another phenomenon occurred that I have not yet solved. The DD2 refused to work while driving (iRacing) for no reason at all and I flew off on the track. The FFB suddenly disappeared, the car drove in a different direction and immediately afterwards the DD2 gave out so much power that I had to switch off the DD2 via the killswitch. I have the latest drivers on both the DD2 and FanLAB. Do you have any idea what this could be?
Henri Kutterik Member
August 21
Hello Maurice,
The leds on my Fanatec wheel don't work since the last driver update, in other games like Automobilista 1&2 etc they do work.
Does anyone have the same problem or solution?
Lars Rystedt Member
August 21
I updated yesterday Fanalab to 2.01.45 and according to the change log "Fixed high occurence of missed shifts when FanaLab is running."
This is unfortunately not true as I have frequently issues that it does not up or downshifts in Iracing. Afaik everything is updated, there is no
newer firmware etc.
Podium DD1, F1 V.2 wheel
Maurice Böschen Member
August 21
Then it is firmware related and no longer Lab related. Please report in the driver Feedback thread.
Greg Reinacker Member
August 22
Hey Maurice - I recently started playing LMU, and just wanted to say thanks...your profiles are working great for me (DD1, 455)!
One tidbit - in the instructions txt file you provide, you mention setting car-specific feedback for the Toyota. I don't think this option is available in LMU any more (or possibly I'm a dope and can't find it). The profile for the car still works well for me, though, so thanks again!
Damien Motte Member
August 22
I have a fanatec v2.5 8Nm and i want to know what to do for use the setting of maurice correctly with this base.
What modification or calcul i need to do ? Because with the Lamborghini for exemple I find the force feedback quite weak.
thank you in advance for your answers
Henri Kutterik Member
August 23
Hey Maurice,
I installed the previous driver and now the LEDs are working again....so...something wrong in the update after all?
Maurice Böschen Member
August 23
LEDs with FanaLab are completely independent from any driver and firmware.
Henri Kutterik Member
August 24
That may be true but then can you explain to me why the LEDs do work again with the previous driver?
Seems to me it has something to do with the new driver....
But anyway after installing the old driver it works, whatever the reason.
Maurice Böschen Member
August 24 edited August 24
Then you did not properly followed the steps the Enable the Telemetry and FanaLab support and disable the native ingame LED support by clicking the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in FanaLab so there was some interference of the native LEDs with the Lab LEDs which can lead to numerous weird issues.
As I said, when you properly disable the native LED support by the game and properly enable FanaLab support then the LEDs are independent of any driver and firmware as it is just the Lab which then controls them.
Alicia Signes Estrela Member
August 28
oh.. got it. we, the people who have problem with the leds on most recent build, we are dumb.. not able properly install FanaLab.
we were able to put all earlier versions to work, but the newest one... we are not.
thank you very much for your answer.
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